the gathering storm

Welcome to my first blog entry detailing my adventures in Azeroth. I'm a huge fan of Blizzard's games, having been an avid fan of the award-winning Starcraft and the Warcraft III RTS games. I even bought one of the five Collector's Edition Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos boxes that arrived in the Philippines when it came out some years ago. When World of Warcraft was announced, I was determined to be one of the first to get the game locally, and had hopes of getting the Collector's Edition when it was released. Unfortunately, unlike Warcraft III, it didn't have simultaneous International release and I ended up having a friend who was working in the U.S. at the time buy a couple of regular ones for me at the local Best Buy. By that time, all Collector's Edition WoW were sold out.
Once I got my hands on it, though, me and my incomparable Niisha were hooked. World of Warcraft is an incredible MMORPG that has exploded into the gaming scene. With over six million users to date, it's Blizzard's most successful game ever and one of the most popular games in history. Over a year later, Aila and I have each had three level 60 (currently the highest level attainable in the game) characters. A couple of months ago, we moved from our original PvE server Malygos to the PvP server Stormscale, starting new toons from level 1. In this blog, I'll be talking about the travails and triumphs of my Troll Shaman character Stormanjin (pronounced as "Storm Engine", hence the blog name).
Hehe. How many more do you need? We'll mow down those Tar monsters, as soon as we get our connection going, that is.
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